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Using the EGL Coding Rules Feature


The EGL Coding Rules feature, available with the release of version 9.5, allows a user to scan EGL code and receive a report. This report identifies whether the coding style or functionality of the EGL code violates any of the selected coding rules. Coding rules may be selected from a distributed collection of pre-written rules, or from rules that an end-user can write and integrate into the rule set. In addition, the feature provides pre-defined rule sets, such as best practices for a specific generation environment. These best practice rule sets allow code to be checked for typical performance concerns in a specific environment.

The version 9.5 documentation provides more information on the details of this new feature.

The following videos are provided to give a user a step-by-step instructions for each of these areas of interest:

Define and use distributed EGL Coding Rules

Create your own custom coding rules

Create an installable feature containing your custom rules

Install the feature and use the custom coding rules

Update your custom coding rules and re-export the feature

Integrate with RTC and force custom coding rules on commit