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IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11 is now available!

IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11, is the latest release of Java SDK on z/OS. It provides a fundamental platform for building highly robust, scalable and reliable modern enterprise applications. In an ever connected world, as clients embark on their digital transformation journey on z/OS, Java 11 is essential for enabling their new workloads on premise and across cloud platforms. This SDK delivers support for Java 11 Standard Edition specification, provides new language features, and enables developers to build Java applications on any platforms and deploy them onto z/OS.

This release contains performance enhancements that enable companies to leverage the benefits of IBM Z scalability, reliability, availability, and serviceability, including exploitation of latest IBM Z hardware features.  It contains a new OpenJCEPlus security provider offering optimized performance through exploitation of cryptographic hardware on IBM Z and enabling the cryptographic algorithms required for TLS V1.3 support in the OpenJCEPlus provider.  It is designed to provide clients with the capability to test and deploy Java applications in a 64-bit environment, run Java code on zIIP processor engines, and use valuable z/OS functions such as a Batch Launcher for running Java applications as batch jobs or started tasks, and direct access to traditional z/OS data and key z/OS system services.
Other capabilities and performance improvements include pause-less garbage collection (GC) reducing GC pause-times for response-time sensitive and large heap applications, Data Access Accelerator, cryptographic acceleration via CP Assist for Cryptographic Functions (CPACF) and vector hardware instructions.  The Java Virtual Machine (JVM) transparently exploits hardware Transactional Memory to improve scalability of synchronized regions within multithreaded application code. Furthermore, the JVM dynamically adapts to changing system resource and capacity from System Recovery Boost for z/OS, by auto-scaling of garbage collection and JIT compilation threads.

Please note that starting Version 11, IBM SDK for z/OS, Java Technology Edition has been renamed to IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS.  This rebranding aligns the naming for Java on the z/OS platform with that on other platforms where OpenJDK class libraries are similarly powered by the Eclipse OpenJ9 JVM technology. The Semeru name originates from the tallest mountain on the island of Java in Indonesia, called Mount Semeru.

IBM SDK for z/OS Version 8 contains IBM security implementation whereas IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS Version 11 contains the OpenJDK security implementation. Differences between these implementations might require code changes to your applications. For more details, refer to the Semeru Runtimes security migration guide. For additional information about compatibility and migration, visit IBM Documentation. IBM intends to deliver other z/OS-specific extensions for IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS Version 11 over time with service refreshes (UPDATE: Key security extensions are now available! --> blog)

How to obtain IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11?
IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS, Version 11 is available for zero license charge through Shopz (5655-DGJ) SMP/E, or you can download the non-SMP/E here.  The subscription and service number is 5655-I48.
Supporting Links:
IBM Semeru Runtime Certified Edition for z/OS product page
For additional information on installation, troubleshooting and support please visit IBM Documentation.


Fri November 19, 2021 10:19 AM

This is a great achievement for the team. Congratulations!!