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Cancelling Db2 threads from the TEP interface with logon credential


Using take action to invoke predefined command to cancel a Db2 thread is available from OMPE’s Tivoli Enterprise Portal (TEP) interface. This requires granting Db2 authority to the user ID of the OMPE started task which for some customers is not desired and considered a security concern.


With OMPE V540 APAR PH47423/UI82806 and fixpack 5.4.0-TIV-KD5-FP0025, two new prefixes “DP:” and “D5:” are introduced to pair with the existing cancel thread command. With the prefixed command, the cancel thread request issues the cancel thread command using the Db2 authority of the TEP logon ID. Prefixed cancel thread command can also be used in a situation take action to automate cancelling threads violating certain Service Level Agreements (SLAs).

With APAR PH48556/UI90100 and 5.5.0-TIV-KD5-FP0005, the prefixed take action commands are available in OMPE V550.

The newly added take action commands are "Cancel Thread with Db2 Authority" and "Cancel DSG Thread with Db2 Authority".

New Cancel Thread with Db2 Authority

This Take Action is defined with the DP:” prefix, and it can be used with TEP Thread Activity or Detailed Thread Exception workspace with any single Db2 node.

New Cancel DSG Thread with Db2 Authority

This Take Action is defined with D5:” prefix, and it can be used with TEP Data Sharing Thread Activity workspace with any DSGROUP node.

Response from the Prefixed Cancel Thread Take Actions

If the TEP logon user ID has the Db2 authority to cancel a thread, the following message will be displayed after the prefixed cancel thread take action is executed:

If the logon user ID does not have the Db2 authority to cancel a thread, the following message will be displayed after the prefixed cancel thread take action is executed:

The similar responses are
also displayed from D5 agent log:


Prefixed Take Action in Situation

The prefixed cancel thread command can also be used in a situation action where the Db2 thread will be cancelled after situation is triggered.


The newly introduced prefixed cancel thread command greatly simplifies the configuration task for DBAs to manage the security aspects regarding Db2 thread cancelling. With the prefixed cancel thread take action, the Db2 authority of the user controls whether particular Db2 thread can be cancelled or not. It is no longer needed to grant Db2 authority to the user ID of the OMPE started task.