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New with Red Hat OpenShift Do 3, including IBM Z and IBM LinuxONE


Authors: Rishika Kedia, Harshitha M S, Surender Yadav

New features added to Red Hat OpenShift Do (odo) 3:

·        Odo 3 has new set of commands which replaces old commands and works in fast and effective way. The new set of commands which are added in v3 are odo init, odo dev, odo deploy, odo add binding, odo registry, odo list, odo logs. For more detailed information on these commands please refer the blog article Getting start with Red Hat OpenShift Do.

·        Telemetry: By using telemetry one can track flags usage. For example, currently we can’t see how many users use debug mode odo dev ‘--debug’ or ‘--no-watch’ feature. By using this we will be able to get more insights if those features are being used.

·        odo dev command reacts to changes as soon as possible and notifies user about current application state and if odo dev is running with the no-watch flag, it should not watch for files, but still continue to watch cluster resources.

·        Using Port-forwarding instead of Route on Red Hat OpenShift to access application. When running odo devodo forwards a port on the development system to the port on the container cluster allowing remote access to your deployed application. It also prints the information when the application has started on the cluster.

·        Added runtime labels based on metadata like language/projectType.

·        The odo analyse command analyses the files in the current directory to select the best devfiles and returns the results as an array. The output of this command contains list of devfile name and registry name.

·        Manual syncing of files by pressing ‘p’ key - by default, the changes made by the user to the Devfile and source files are synchronized immediately. The flag `--no-watch` can be used to change this behaviour: when the user changes the devfile or any source file, the changes won't be synchronized immediately, but the next time when the user presses the `p` key it will get synchronized.

·        Odo v2 used ephemeral storage for the components created using it.  However, this has changed in odo v3, and it now uses the underlying storage (Persistent Volumes) configured for use by the users. If you would like to continue using ephemeral storage for odo components, you could change the configuration by “odo preference set Ephemeral true”.

·        In odo v3 made changes to preference command like below

1.       “odo preference registry add” command is changes to “odo preference add registry”

2.       “odo preference registry delete” command to “odo preference remove registry”

3.       “odo preference registry list” command to “odo preference registry view”

·        odo add binding command will work without devfile.yaml both in interactive mode and non-interactive mode.

·        odo push and odo watch have been replaced by a single command odo dev. odo dev is used in order to quickly and effectively iterate through your development process for building an application. It builds the application using the default Build command defined in the Devfile. For more detailed information about migration from odo v2 to odo v3 refer the command reference at the bottom of this blog article Getting start with Red Hat OpenShift Do.