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Behind the scene: the story of zERT

You must have heard of z/OS Encryption Readiness Technology (zERT). Yes, zERT is a core capability of IBM Z Pervasive Encryption and first made its debut with z/OS V2R3 Communications Server.

zERT provides intelligent network security discovery and reporting capabilities by monitoring TCP and Enterprise Extender traffic for TLS/SSL, IPsec and SSH protection, as well as cleartext. It also writes information about the state of that protection to new SMF 119 records. Moreover, IBM zERT Network Analyzer, a new web-based interface on z/OSMF, available since December, 2018, helps you determine which z/OS TCP and Enterprise Extender traffic is or isn’t protected according to specific query criteria.
With z/OS V2R5, we are glad to have the latest enhancement of zERT, zERT policy-based enforcement.

It has been proved that zERT has been very helpful in terms of helping companies to monitor their network cryptographic status.

Are you curious about how IBMers develop an unique and powerful technology like that? Check out this video and see how zERT was created with a joint effort.

To learn more about zERT, visit Things you should know about zERT (https://ibm.biz/thingsaboutzert).