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z/OS Management Services Catalog enhancements


Designed to transform how system programmers manage their z/OS environments, z/OS Management Services Catalog uses z/OSMF workflows-based services to provide a simpler, faster, and more effective way to complete z/OS management tasks independently with fewer errors.

Created collaboratively with several z/OS clients, the new enhancements of z/OS Management Services Catalog are designed to provide numerous improvements to the user experience flow in order to help the next generation of z/OS system programmer create and manage their services, including new samples services. With the PTF for APAR PH48733, the following enhancements are now available on z/OS V2.5 and later:

Enhancements to the Service Creation experience:

  • System programmers can now export services from one z/OSMF instance and import them to another system, rather than needing to rebuild them, in order to simplify the service creation process. 

  • System programmers can now preview a service without having to test it.

  • New ability to use a window browser to select the workflow definition file instead of typing in the full file path.

  • Numerous user interface functions to improve the page header layouts for an enhanced visual experience.

Enhancements to the Service Management experience:

  • The category of a published service can now be changed from the administration table. 

  • Support has been added for calling secondary workflows from a service. 

  • System programmers now have the ability to select and move multiple inputs at once within the builder. 

Enhancement to the Workflow building experience: 

  • Enhancements in Workflow Editor have been made to preserve the XML fragments when workflow containing fragments is edited with Workflow Editor.

Availability of new Sample Services

Services are at the heart of z/OS Management Services Catalog and can help users streamline repetitive, frequent tasks as well as complex, infrequent tasks. These services, which are built using z/OSMF Workflows technology, make workflows more accessible by shielding systems programmers from the complexity of the steps involved in the workflow.

Two new sample services are available to help system programmers accomplish their z/OS management tasks:

    • Rename a zFS data set.

    • List the attributes of a User ID.

To learn more about z/OS Management Services Catalog, including instructions on how to get started, see the updated z/OS Management Services Catalog content solution page! 

Additional Resources:

·       z/OSMF Guild Session 5

·       ‘Lifecycle of a service’ video

·       z/OS V2.5 1Q 2023 RFA