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Linux on IBM zSystems and LinuxONE Open Source Software Report: January 2023


Linux on IBM zSystems and IBM LinuxONE use the s390x hardware architecture, so for some applications a little work sometimes has to be done so they compile and run as expected. This work is often done as a collaboration between the open source projects themselves and a team at IBM that helps with the porting and then validation that the software is working as expected. This effort is an on going collaboration with every release of the software needing to be validated.

For the month of January 2023, the teams worked to also validate the latest versions of the following:

  • Apache Tomcat
  • cAdvisor
  • Consul
  • Couchbase
  • Cruise Control
  • Erlang
  • InfluxDB
  • Logstash
  • MariaDB connector ODBC
  • PHP
  • Python
  • Ruby
  • Strimzi Kafka oauth
  • XMLSec

The full list of validated software to date is available here:

Are you a developer for an open source project interested in seeing your application made available to users on Linux on IBM zSystems and IBM LinuxONE? Your first stop should be the IBM LinuxONE Community Cloud where you can sign up for a free virtual machine for 120 days where you can see how your application runs, and discover for yourself what you may need to change to get it to run well on Linux on IBM zSystems and IBM LinuxONE.

If you wish to have permanent virtual machines for development, testing, or to add to your CI system, you can fill out this form to apply for resources for your project.