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IBM Z Open Automation Utilities 1.2.3 is now available!


IBM is excited to share that IBM Z Open Automation Utilities 1.2.3 (PH50145/UI91206) is available as of today!

Several exciting new capabilities have been added. The jls utility now provides information for additional job attributes such as job class, priority, ASID and many more via a new -l option. The dtouch utility now permits the allocation of fixed, unblocked (F) data sets for even broader data set support. Moreover, dmod now supports JSON output generation via a new -j flag and all of these features are supported via the ZOAU Python API as well. Also new in this release is the ability for users to install the ZOAU Python API via pip wheels for an easier and more hassle-free installation experience. The release also contains many more bug fixes and smaller enhancements.

You can find more details for the release here, and download the PAX version here. SMP/E users can also obtain this PTF mod release via APAR/PTF PH50145/UI91206

While you are at it, check out the IBM Z Open Automation Utilities (ZOAU) scripts and snippets community repository! This is a repository for the ZOAU community where sample code and other snippets can be found to help get you started. We welcome contributions and discussions about usage and ideas to help improve and grow ZOAU and its community!