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Killer Crypto in Go on z/OS: Crypto Acceleration



One key feature go Go is a large standard library, supplemented by various extended libraries (available for automatic download), such as x/sys/unix. One important part of those libraries is extensive support for a wide variety of crypto graphic algorithms.  These can be found in the standard library directory “crypto” or in the extended library x/crypto. These cryptographic algorithms are crucial for almost any modern application, to secure data and/or communications. Because they are used so frequently, performance considerations are critical for these algorithms. With that in mind, the Go on z/OS team has put considerable effort into optimizing these algorithms. To date, Go on z/OS has accelerated the following cryptographic algorithms: sha1, sha2, sha3, poly1305/chacha20, aes stream cypher (cbc, ctr and gcm), elliptic-curve (ecdsa and ecdh) and md5.

Acceleration Methods

Various techniques are used in accelerating these algorithms

Vector code

An example of acceleration with vector code can be found in the chacha20/poly1305 implementation for s390x. chacha20/poly1305 is a very popular algorithm for fast encrypted streaming with message authentication. Looking in the crypto/chacha20 directory one finds chacha_s390x.s, which contains about 225 lines of assembly code to process chacha20 blocks using vector operations to process 16 bytes at at time. Similarly in the directory crypto/internal/poly1305 one will find sum_s390x.s, which, in about 500 lines of assembly, processes the poly1305 authentication protocol using vector operations. The following is a small snippet of this code, showing part of the assembler macro for multiplication.

141 #define MULTIPLY(f0, f1, f2, f3, f4, g0, g1, g2, g3, g4, g51, g52, g53, g54, h0, h1, h2, h3, h4) \

142         VMLOF  f0, g0, h0        \

143         VMLOF  f0, g3, h3        \

144         VMLOF  f0, g1, h1        \

145         VMLOF  f0, g4, h4        \

146         VMLOF  f0, g2, h2        \

147         VMLOF  f1, g54, T_0      \

148         VMLOF  f1, g2, T_3       \

149         VMLOF  f1, g0, T_1       \

150         VMLOF  f1, g3, T_4       \

151         VMLOF  f1, g1, T_2       \

152         VMALOF f2, g53, h0, h0   \

153         VMALOF f2, g1, h3, h3    \

154         VMALOF f2, g54, h1, h1   \

155         VMALOF f2, g2, h4, h4    \

156         VMALOF f2, g0, h2, h2    \

157         VMALOF f3, g52, T_0, T_0 \

158         VMALOF f3, g0, T_3, T_3  \

159         VMALOF f3, g53, T_1, T_1 \

160         VMALOF f3, g1, T_4, T_4  \

161         VMALOF f3, g54, T_2, T_2 \

162         VMALOF f4, g51, h0, h0   \

163         VMALOF f4, g54, h3, h3   \

164         VMALOF f4, g52, h1, h1   \

165         VMALOF f4, g0, h4, h4    \

166         VMALOF f4, g53, h2, h2   \

167         VAG    T_0, h0, h0       \

168         VAG    T_3, h3, h3       \

169         VAG    T_1, h1, h1       \

170         VAG    T_4, h4, h4       \

171         VAG    T_2, h2, h2

This macro is a key component of the "schoolbook multiplication" portion of the poly1305 algorithm. In order to compute the authentication code, it is necessary to perform a repeated sequence of multiplications modulo a prime, so the speed of the algorithm essentially comes down to how quickly large multiplications can be performed.


CPACF stands for “CP Assist for Cryptographic Functions,” and it consists of an cryptographic acceleration processor which is a part of every processor core in a z system. For example, here is a graphic of the z15 processor showing the area devoted to the co-processor (COP).

CPACF provides highly tuned instructions that cover a wide range of cryptographic operations. With CPACF we have been able to accelerate  sha1, sha2, sha3, aes stream cypher (cbc, ctr and gcm), elliptic-curve (ecdsa and ecdh) and md5. Typically, the way that CPACF is employed is. through the use of specialized instructions, which are outlined in the Principles of Operation. As an example of how this works, consider the implementation of Elliptic Curve Digital Signature Authentication (ECDSA) in Go on z. This is implemented with the KDSA instruction:

KDSA instruction
This single instruction covers creating a signature and verifying it, over three signature sizes: 256, 384, and 512 bits. It's a complicated instruction, with fifteen dense pages devoted to it in the Principles of Operation. To use the instruction one has to first enquire if the instruction is available (it requires z15 or later), and then set up various buffers and parameters. However, using the instruction itself is easy in Go, as Go has it's own assembler. Here is the totality of the code in ecdsa_s390x.s, which calls the instruction:
// Copyright 2020 The Go Authors. All rights reserved.
// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style
// license that can be found in the LICENSE file.
#include "textflag.h"
// func kdsa(fc uint64, params *[4096]byte) (errn uint64)
MOVD fc+0(FP), R0     // function code
MOVD params+8(FP), R1 // address parameter block
WORD $0xB93A0008 // compute digital signature authentication
BVS  loop        // branch back if interrupted
BGT  retry       // signing unsuccessful, but retry with new CSPRN
BLT  error       // condition code of 1 indicates a failure
MOVD $0, errn+16(FP) // return 0 - sign/verify was successful
MOVD $1, errn+16(FP) // return 1 - sign/verify failed
MOVD $2, errn+16(FP) // return 2 - sign/verify was unsuccessful -- if sign, retry with new RN
Note that the Go assembler lacks a nemonic for KDSA, so a bytecode version of it is used (WORD $0xB93A0008). 
So how much does all of this acceleration effort help performance? You can check it out for yourself using Go's built-in benchmarking facilities. If you have Go on z/OS installed on your system, you can change directory to any crypto algorithm and run the available benchmarks using the command  For example, 
go test -bench=Bench
For example, if you 'cd' to the directory src/crypto/ecdsa, and type "go test -bench=Bench" you might see something like this

BenchmarkSign/P256-16           79336       15102 ns/op      1392 B/op        20 allocs/op

BenchmarkSign/P384-16           37779       31814 ns/op      1488 B/op        20 allocs/op

BenchmarkSign/P521-16           25948       46381 ns/op      1672 B/op        23 allocs/op

BenchmarkVerify/P256-16         27204       44099 ns/op         0 B/op         0 allocs/op

BenchmarkVerify/P384-16         13105       91632 ns/op         0 B/op         0 allocs/op

BenchmarkVerify/P521-16          7898      151277 ns/op        40 B/op         2 allocs/op

BenchmarkGenerateKey/P256-16              52396       22912 ns/op       896 B/op        14 allocs/op

BenchmarkGenerateKey/P384-16               4616      260223 ns/op      1104 B/op        17 allocs/op


Key/P521-16               1803      664032 ns/op      1424 B/op        17 allocs/op

If you try this on your laptop or non-s390x linux server you'll be able to compare performance.

All of this effort in accelerating cryto in Go pays off when Go programs are used in applications which rely on the speed and robustness of crypto to perform the most challenging tasks that modern system applications demand.