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Running Batch Jobs on z/OS using Ansible


In my previous blog, Job Submission on z/OS Made Easy with Ansible, I outlined how easy it is to submit batch jobs on z/OS through Ansible. I showed how to submit a job, query its status and retrieve its output with less than ten lines of YAML. While it is simple to submit a job, creating batch jobs by writing JCL is something that a lot of people struggle with due to a couple of factors. First, JCL itself is not widely taught in academia and, as a result, the newer generation of mainframe application developers or system programmers may not be familiar with its syntactic structure, which many consider to be counterintuitive. Second, JCL, relative to other programming and scripting languages, isn't very easy to write and execute in a seamless way. To complicate matters further, the vast amount of documentation available can also be quite overwhelming to a z/OS newcomer.

At this point, you may be wondering if only there was a way to write and execute batch jobs without having to deal with JCL. Well, there is! With the release of IBM z/OS Core Collection of Ansible modules v1.2.0-beta.1, you will now be able to execute MVS commands using the zos_mvs_raw module. Let's see how this can be done by executing a simple batch job. But before we proceed, be sure to check out how Ansible works if you are not familiar with Ansible.

For demonstration purposes, let's assume that we have a sequential data set that contains a list of names in one column and the corresponding age in the second column. We would like to sort the data set based on age in descending order.

Normally, we would write a JCL to execute DFSORT on that particular data set. Something like this perhaps:

    //USRT001 JOB 'SORTDS', 
    //  NOTIFY=USRT001,      
    //  USER=USRT001,        
    //  MSGCLASS=E,          
    //  MSGLEVEL=(1,1),      
    //  CLASS=A
    //SORT     EXEC PGM=SORT                     
    //SYSOUT   DD   SYSOUT=*                     
    //SYSIN    DD   *                            
        SORT FIELDS=(9,2,BI,D)                  

Afterwards, we would submit the job. The same program can be created and executed using Ansible by writing a simple task with the zos_mvs_raw module:

    - name: Sort the data set based on age in descending order
        program_name: sort
          - dd_output:
              dd_name: sysout
                type: text
          - dd_data_set:
              dd_name: sortin
              data_set_name: USER.SORT.INPUT
              disposition: shr
          - dd_data_set:
              dd_name: sortout
              data_set_name: USER.SORT.INPUT
              disposition: old
          - dd_input:
              dd_name: sysin
              content: "   SORT FIELDS=(9,2,BI,D)"

And that is it! We can see that DFSORT was executed and the data set has been sorted.

The zos_mvs_raw module returns a JSON response containing the return code, any backups made, the output stored in output DD (if it was specified) and the module invocation parameters. The response for this particular task is given below. Note that the response has been abbreviated for the sake of clarity.

changed: [] => {
"backups": [],
"changed": true,
"dd_names": [
        "byte_count": 37,
        "content": [
            "\f             SORT FIELDS=(9,2,BI,D)",
        "dd_name": "sysout",
        "name": "OMVSADM.P3886510.T0865049.C0000000",
        "record_count": 2
"invocation": {
    "module_args": {
        "auth": false,
        "dds": [
                "...": "...",
                "dd_output": {
                    "dd_name": "sysout",
                    "return_content": {
                        "response_encoding": "iso8859-1",
                        "src_encoding": "ibm-1047",
                        "type": "text"
                "dd_data_set": {
                    "backup": false,
                    "block_size": null,
                    "data_set_name": "USER.SORT.INPUT",
                    "....": "...",
                "dd_data_set": {
                    "...": "...",
                    "data_set_name": "USER.SORT.INPUT",
                    "...." : "....",
                "dd_input": {
                    "content": "   SORT FIELDS=(9,2,BI,D)",
                    "dd_name": "sysin",
                    "return_content": null
        "program_name": "sort"
"ret_code": {
    "code": 0

So far so good but the capability of zos_mvs_raw far exceeds what is demonstrated above. For instance, what if we wanted to sort the data set and store the output to a different, non-existent data set? Well, if we were writing JCL, we could change our SORTOUT DD statement to allocate a new data set by indicating its allocation parameters:


But we're not writing a JCL. Instead, let's see how we can accomplish this through Ansible:

    - name: Sort the data set based on age in descending order
        program_name: sort
          - dd_output:
              dd_name: sysout
                type: text
          - dd_data_set:
              dd_name: sortin
              data_set_name: USER.SORT.INPUT
              disposition: shr
          - dd_data_set:
              dd_name: sortout
              data_set_name: USER.SORT.OUTPUT
              disposition: new
              disposition_normal: catlg
              type: seq
              record_length: 80
              record_format: fb
              block_size: 32720
              space_type: k
              space_primary: 30
              space_secondary: 10
              volumes: '000000'
          - dd_input:
              dd_name: sysin
              content: "   SORT FIELDS=(9,2,BI,D)"

Essentially, all we did was change our sortout dd_data_set parameter by adding new data set allocation details. Again, this is only scratching the surface of what zos_mvs_raw is capable of and I encourage you to visit the z/OS core collection documentation page to learn about what other features it provides. The simplicity of YAML combined with the ease of use of the Ansible eco system makes IBM z/OS core collection an exciting alternative to traditional mainframe development practices.

If you'd like to see the complete playbook and other sample playbooks, check out the Ansible z/OS Collection Sample Playbooks repository.
