
  • 1.  space usage

    Posted Tue March 31, 2020 04:15 AM
    having dmc on linux and installed in /opt/ibm
    we can see that there is a large space usage in this structure, mostly for logging/workfiles
    eg /opt/ibm/DMC/ibm-datamgmtconsole/work/dsweb/workarea/org.eclipse.osgi/63/data/cache/com.ibm.ws.app.manager_46/.cache/WEB-INF/lib
    many jar files repeated over many directories
    we see in other paths large heap..  files
    it is not a good idea to mix software and diagnostic data in same file structure and not easy to clean it up as we do not know what can be cleaned
    is there a kind of retention setting to specify how long to keep diagnostics and to specify the location of these, so it could be routed to another filesystem and avoiding /opt gets filled
    is there a cleanup procedure or guideline what to clean..
    maybe an idea for next version...

    Thanks for all answers
    Best Regards,
    Guy Przytula


  • 2.  RE: space usage

    Posted Thu April 02, 2020 11:48 PM
    Hi Guy,
    Thanks for your suggestion. Will forward to our related developer for future improvement.

    Li Hui Yan (Autumn Yan)
    From DMC Team

  • 3.  RE: space usage

    Posted Sun April 05, 2020 06:35 PM

    Hi Guy,

    In currently DMC, these are the location where trace/logs and cache information are being stored.

    1. <DMCHome>/logs – DMC logs
    2. <DMCHome>/work – Liberty cache and dump files and DMC cache.


    The path to DMC logs cannot be changed.  But, the tracing level can be changed for each component by using the <DMCHome>/dsutils/bin/logUtils.sh

    Usage: "logUtils.sh <admin|dbapi|monitor|explain|runsql|all> <trace|info>"

    By default, log level is info, and if set to trace, more debug info will be collected.  In addition, each component has trace file of 10 MB in size and logs are rolling with maximum of 4 files.  If you want to modify the tracing max file size and number of rolling logs by following steps:
    1. Stop DMC
    2. Edit <DMCHome>/Config/XXX_log.properties file.  Modify options: MaxFileSizeInM=10 and MaxEdition=4
    3. Restart DMC after modification.

    We don't recommend increasing log level in general, only if extra debug information is requested for diagnostic purpose.  You can consider increasing/decreasing the Max file size and number of rolling logs per your need.  The ffdc (First Failure Data Capture) directory preserves the information that is generated from a processing failure used by IBM Support.  You can remove them after investigation.

    The path to Liberty cache and dump files and DMC cache files currently cannot be changed.  The dump files are created in <DMCHome>/work/dsweb directory.  You can remove the dump files there (javadump, core, heapdump etc.) after investigation.  The workarea directory keeps Caching info for Liberty, it is not recommended to remove it for performance reasons.  If needed, (e.g. have startup problem after upgrade) the cache can be cleaned by following steps:

    1. Stop DMC
    2. <DMCHome>/wlp/bin/server start dsweb –clean
    3. Stop DMC (again)
    4. Start DMC

     Hope this helps.

    Jason Sizto

  • 4.  RE: space usage

    Posted Mon April 06, 2020 02:24 AM
    thanks you so much for the detailed information. I will keep this and apply to our installation
    but it seems strange to me, that if you open an IBM case, people never supply this knd of info and we have to request/receive it from the forum
    once more:thank you

    Thanks for all answers
    Best Regards,
    Guy Przytula