
  • 1.  options file

    Posted Thu March 26, 2020 07:35 AM
    we have dmc on linux and monitoring multi db and have a memory issue
    according support center you have to modify this file

    Modify the JVM options in the below file:

    You will need to increase your JVM configuration. The default is max 2048
    in the doc there is no info on each setting
    I see








    I presume it is the second entry ? mx ? max ?

    Thank for all update/help
    Best Regards, Guy Przytula


  • 2.  RE: options file

    Posted Thu March 26, 2020 07:45 AM
    from another entry I see

    The default parameters are:

    After changing, restart DMC.
    so I presume this is the setting
    I changed it to 4096 stop/start console but still no info when selecting monitoring/statement/package cache

    according support center : memory issue in dmc

    Thank for all update/help
    Best Regards, Guy Przytula

  • 3.  RE: options file

    Posted Wed April 01, 2020 09:56 PM
    Hi Guy,

    That's correct.  Those are the jvm options that controls the amount of java heap size when DMC is started.  You can modify the options in: <DMC_install_directory>/wlp/usr/servers/dsweb/jvm.options file.  And then restart DMC.

    -Xms is the initial allocated heap size and -Xmx is the maximum allocated heap size.  For more info: https://docs.oracle.com/javase/8/docs/technotes/tools/windows/java.html

    e.g. You can quickly check the options after restart, by doing a ps -aef | grep dsweb command on linux and see the -Xms or -Xmx options used to start the DMC.

    # ps -aef | grep dsweb
    root 6079 1 99 18:46 pts/0 00:05:36 /opt/uce/ibm-datamgmtconsole/java/jre/bin/java -javaagent:/opt/uce/ibm-datamgmtconsole/wlp/bin/tools/ws-javaagent.jar -Djava.awt.headless=true -Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true -XX:MaxPermSize=256m -Xms2g -Xmx8g -Duser.language=en -Duser.region=US -Dclient.encoding.override=UTF-8 -Djava.awt.headless=true -Ddb2.jcc.charsetDecoderEncoder=3 -jar /opt/uce/ibm-datamgmtconsole/wlp/bin/tools/ws-server.jar dsweb

    Hope it helps.

    Jason Sizto