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Save the Date: The next OVUG call will be Tuesday, April 11, 11am-1pm Eastern

  • 1.  Save the Date: The next OVUG call will be Tuesday, April 11, 11am-1pm Eastern

    Posted Tue February 14, 2023 10:35 AM

    Agenda and invite to come...

    Marc Hebert,, (510)468-7132

  • 2.  RE: Save the Date: The next OVUG call will be Tuesday, April 11, 11am-1pm Eastern

    Posted Wed March 29, 2023 10:29 AM

    Here is the agenda for the April 11 OVUG conference call from 11am-1pm Eastern  Invites are going out today.  Email me at if you don't get one.

    11-11:05am             Intro                                                                              Marc Hebert, Estuate

    11:05-11:35am        Archiving Case Study-3M                                             Danny Lankford, 3M

    11:35-12pm             TDM/TDO Case Study-Kaiser Permanente                 David Silverstone, Orson

    12-12:30pm             Technical Panel                                                            Keith Tidball Progressive Insurance, and panel

    12:30-1pm               Offering Management Update:                                     Peter Costigan IBM, and Jimmy Wilson, ABMartin

                                     -Optim 11.7 Fixpack 1 Available

                                     -Optim Archive Viewer 11.7 Fixpack 1 Available

                                     -Optim DPU v3  Roadmap


    Marc Hebert,, (510)468-7132

  • 3.  RE: Save the Date: The next OVUG call will be Tuesday, April 11, 11am-1pm Eastern

    Posted Tue April 11, 2023 09:19 AM

    Morning all, here is the Webex link for today's OVUG meeting at 11am-1pm Eastern. See you shortly:

    Marc Hebert,, (510)468-7132