InfoSphere Optim

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  • 1.  InfoSpher Optim 11.x Installation in Windows

    Posted Thu September 21, 2023 12:45 PM

    Hi All,

    I wonder if someone can help me with an issue I am facing after install Optim 11.x. 
    I have all components installed (Optim web Applications, Runtime Services, Designer and Data privacy) and configured via Installation Manager and are up and running but I cannot open any web based console (Liberty Admin Center, Optim Manager,Optim Connection Manager).

    - Liberty OptimWebServer running
    - The server.xml file is configured during install
    - Java supported version is installed (Java 1.8 64-bit)
    - OptimWebServer registered as WIN service
    - OptimWebServer started as WIN service (I cannot see the service running in windows, but if I run the status command in Liberty it shows 'running')
    - IP Address and server name are resolving without issues
    - I also have in the same server and complete IBM InfoSphere Information Server 11.x installation (Engine,Metadata Repository Db2, WebSphere Liberty)

    Using Liberty cmd-line to test the server status:

    C:\IBM\InfoSphere\Optim\shared\Liberty\bin>server.bat list
    The following servers are defined relative to the user directory C:\IBM\InfoSphere\Optim\shared\Liberty\usr.


    C:\IBM\InfoSphere\Optim\shared\Liberty\bin>server.bat startWinService OptimWebServer
    Server OptimWebServer is already running.

    OptimWebServer registered as WIN service

    C:\IBM\InfoSphere\Optim\shared\Liberty\bin>server.bat status OptimWebServer
    Server OptimWebServer is running.

    Thank you in advance for your help.

    Mario Fernandes

    Mario Fernandes

  • 2.  RE: InfoSpher Optim 11.x Installation in Windows

    Posted Fri September 22, 2023 08:07 AM

    Hi Mario,

    I'm thinking you have installed Optim If this is the case, it has a feature to prevent server side request forgery. See the Release Notes which are here: There is a link there with a Technote which details the steps to take for this. 

    Rick Spagna

  • 3.  RE: InfoSpher Optim 11.x Installation in Windows

    Posted Mon September 25, 2023 04:15 AM

    Hi Rick,

    Thank you for your reply. My issue happened before applying the fix patch and therefore upgrade the installation to, I believe you're referring to <ssl id="defaultSSLConfig" sslProtocol="TLSv1.3"/> which by the way, is not supported in WIn 2016 according to Microsoft.

    After install the fix patch it still does the something behaviour, I cannot open any of the web based consoles.


    Mario Fernandes

    Mario Fernandes

  • 4.  RE: InfoSpher Optim 11.x Installation in Windows

    Posted Mon September 25, 2023 04:50 AM

    Hi Mario,

    Stop WebServer, update server.xml, change TSLV1.3 to TSLV1.2.

    Retstart WebServer.

    With this you should be able to open web page.

    Tulasi Das Uppu