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  • 1.  SQLCODE gets access violation

    Posted Fri August 16, 2024 10:46 AM


    I'm using CSDK 4.50.UC.11 on Linux to access Informix 14.10 (64-bit) that is running on the same Linux VM.

    Here's the code:

      ifx_conn_t      *_sqiconn;
      _sqiconn = (ifx_conn_t *)ifx_alloc_conn_user(Uid, Pid);
      TRACE0(pThd,SL07, "Spagna: before connect_open");
      sqli_connect_open(ESQLINTVERSION, 0, Did, Cid, _sqiconn, 1);
      TRACE0(pThd,SL07, "Spagna: after connect_open");
      TRACE0(pThd,SL07, "Spagna: after ifx_free_conn_user");
           TRACE0(pThd,SL07, "Spagna: before checking SQLCODE");
           // Check for error
           if ( SQLCODE < 0 )
              TRACE0(pThd,SL07, "Spagna: ERROR: SQLCODE < 0!");
              rc = SQLCODE;
           TRACE0(pThd,SL07, "Spagna: SQLCODE = 0!");

    And here's what is in the log:

                                     Spagna: going to attempt to connect
     DSQLIFCN         DSQLINFXOpenConnection          (0819) SL07 08/16/2024 09:51:19 002037 00014C2D 00000056
                                     Spagna: before connect_open
     DSQLIFCN         DSQLINFXOpenConnection          (0821) SL07 08/16/2024 09:51:19 002038 00014C2D 00000056
                                     Spagna: after connect_open
     DSQLIFCN         DSQLINFXOpenConnection          (0823) SL07 08/16/2024 09:51:19 002039 00014C2D 00000056
                                     Spagna: after ifx_free_conn_user
     DSQLIFCN         DSQLINFXOpenConnection          (0827) SL07 08/16/2024 09:51:19 002040 00014C2D 00000056
                                     Spagna: before checking SQLCODE
     ERRLERRH         ERR_RetryMgr                    (0293) EXCP 08/16/2024 09:51:19 002041 00014C2D 00000056
                                     Win32 Exception=C0000005 at Address=00000000 Desc=Access Violation
     ERRLERRH         ERR_RetryMgr                    (0000) ENVE 08/16/2024 09:51:19 002042 00014C2D 00000056
                                     Exception:C0000005 (Access Violation) at (nil)

    I found the definition of SQLCODE:

    ./incl/esql/sqlca.h:#define SQLCODE (*(ifx_sqlcode()))

    I'd like to add that the same code, running on Windows using CSDK 4.50.FC11, works fine:

                                     Spagna: going to attempt to connect
     DSQCIFCN         DSQLINFXOpenConnection          (0812) SL07 08/16/2024 10:34:49 000290 00000840 00000F90
                                     Spagna: before connect_open
      DSQCIFCN         DSQLINFXOpenConnection          (0814) SL07 08/16/2024 10:34:49 000291 00000840 00000F90
                                     Spagna: after connect_open
     DSQCIFCN         DSQLINFXOpenConnection          (0816) SL07 08/16/2024 10:34:49 000292 00000840 00000F90
                                     Spagna: after ifx_free_conn_user
     DSQCIFCN         DSQLINFXOpenConnection          (0821) SL07 08/16/2024 10:34:49 000293 00000840 00000F90
                                     Spagna: before checking SQLCODE
     DSQCIFCN         DSQLINFXOpenConnection          (0829) SL07 08/16/2024 10:34:49 000294 00000840 00000F90
                                     Spagna: SQLCODE = 0!

    Has anyone else ever encountered this and know what the solution is?


    Rick Spagna
    Optim Development Director
    UNICOM Global

  • 2.  RE: SQLCODE gets access violation

    Posted Fri August 16, 2024 02:00 PM

    I can't see anything wrong in your code  (other than the TRACE lines, everything else what the ESQL/C pre-processor will generate)
    SQLCODE is different from Linux to Windows.

    informix@irk:/data/informix/IBM/14.10.FC10W2$ cc -g -I/data/informix/IBM/4.50.FC10W1/incl/esql -c conn2.c -E | grep SQLC
    extern int4 SQLCODE;
      printf("SQLCODE %d\n",SQLCODE);

    D:\Infx\work\esql>grep sqlcode e.txt
        int4 sqlcode;
    int4   *(fnsqlcode());
      printf("SQLCODE %d\n",(*(fnsqlcode())));


    On Windows as the name implies is a function not just an external global variable.

    Can you clarify where are you seeing the exception?
    You mentioned that you are running Linux 4.50.UC11 on Linux (Why 32-bit?) but the exception in your output appears to be a Windows one:

         Win32 Exception=C0000005 at Address=00000000 Desc=Access Violation

    Javier Sagrera

  • 3.  RE: SQLCODE gets access violation

    Posted Fri August 16, 2024 02:27 PM

    Hi Javier,

    The exception happens at this line:

           if ( SQLCODE < 0 )

    as the trace above it (Spagna: before checking SQLCODE) can be seen in the output, but the trace after it (either "ERROR: SQLCODE < 0!" or "SQLCODE = 0!") is not seen. I therefore believe it is SQLCODE that is causing the access violation.

    I am using 4.50 UC11 as my application (Optim) is 32-bit on Linux.

    The Win32 in the exception statement is a carry over from when the code base was originally written for Windows 32-bit. So, that is a message that is coming from our code that has not been updated.

    Rick Spagna
    Optim Development Director
    UNICOM Global

  • 4.  RE: SQLCODE gets access violation

    Posted Fri August 16, 2024 03:21 PM

    I have figured out what the problem is. The environment where I run our code was not setup for Informix correctly. I had to add the following environment variables:

        # Use CSDK 4.50
        # Use CSDK 4.10

    My code then executed successfully!

    Rick Spagna
    Optim Development Director
    UNICOM Global

  • 5.  RE: SQLCODE gets access violation

    Posted Sat August 17, 2024 03:24 AM

    Maybe it was mixing libraries between CSDKS like the ''. 
    Anyway, glad to know that you got it working ;)

    Javier Sagrera