Netezza Performance Server

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  • 1.  looking for the source code for the group_concat UDF

    Posted Wed March 11, 2020 01:57 PM
    I am looking for the current version of the source code for the group_concat UDF.  I understand it used to be on the old DeveloperWorks.  Please advise.

    Michael Metts


  • 2.  RE: looking for the source code for the group_concat UDF

    Posted Thu May 07, 2020 11:55 AM
    Maybe the link below helps.  It mentions that the UDF GROUP_CONCAT comes with INZA, but is not installed by default.  It has instructions on how to install it. (hint: it mentions /nz/extensions/nz/nzlua/examples (here is the list of available optional functions))

    Chris Rodgers

  • 3.  RE: looking for the source code for the group_concat UDF

    Posted Mon May 11, 2020 11:19 AM
    // (c) 2013 IBM Corporation.
    // This source code is provided free of charge by IBM Corporation as a
    // convenience to its customers. This source code is provided "AS-IS" with
    // no warranty whatsoever. The customer accepts all risk in connection
    // with the use of this script, and IBM Corporation shall have no
    // liability whatsoever.

    // Usage: select group_concat(string) from <table> group by columns;

    #include "udxinc.h"
    #include <string.h>
    #include <list>

    #define DATA_DELIM 0
    #define OUT_DELIM ','

    using namespace nz::udx;

    class GroupConcat : public Uda
    static Uda* instantiate();

    void initializeState()
    setStateNull(0, true );

    void accumulate()
    if( isArgNull(0) ) return;

    StringArg* a = stringArg(0);
    StringArg* s = stringState(0);

    if( isStateNull(0)) {
    setStateNull(0, false );

    int len = a->length;
    if (len > s->dec_length)
    len = s->dec_length;
    memcpy(s->data, a->data, len);
    s->length = len;

    int curlen = s->length;
    if(curlen >= s->dec_length)

    s->data[curlen] = DATA_DELIM;

    int len=a->length;
    if( len + curlen > s->dec_length )
    len = s->dec_length - curlen;

    memcpy( s->data + curlen, a->data, len );
    s->length = curlen + len;

    void merge()
    if( isArgNull(0) ) return;

    StringArg* a = stringArg(0);
    StringArg* s = stringState(0);

    if( isStateNull(0)) {
    setStateNull(0, false );
    memcpy(s->data, a->data, a->length);
    s->length = a->length;

    int curlen = s->length;
    if(curlen >= s->dec_length)

    s->data[curlen] = DATA_DELIM;

    int len = a->length;
    if( len + curlen > s->dec_length )
    len = s->dec_length - curlen;

    memcpy( s->data + curlen, a->data, len );
    s->length = curlen + len;

    ReturnValue finalResult()
    std::string *str;
    std::list<std::string> values;

    if( isArgNull(0)) NZ_UDX_RETURN_NULL();

    StringReturn *r = stringReturnInfo();
    StringArg *s = stringArg(0);

    if( r->size < s->length )
    throwUdxException( "GROUP_CONCAT(): Result size too large!" );

    r->size = s->length;

    int len=0;
    char *p = s->data;

    for( int i=0; i<s->length; i++ )
    if(s->data[i] != DATA_DELIM) {
    } else {
    str = new string(p, len);
    p = s->data + i + 1;
    len = 0;

    str = new string(p,len);



    len = 0;
    if( len>0 )
    r->data[len++] = OUT_DELIM;

    std::string tmp = values.front();
    memcpy(r->data+len, tmp.c_str(), tmp.length());
    len += tmp.length();


    Uda* GroupConcat::instantiate()
    return new GroupConcat;

    Thomas Dennison