for onspaces, you need to know what you want to do.
onspaces can be used for:
creation of new dbspaces
adding chunks to dbspaces
deleting chunks from dbspaces
delete dbspaces (which have only one chunk left)
adding/removing mirroring to a chunk
change status of a mirror chunk
change SMARTBLOB behaviou for SBlob chunks
rename chunks/dbspaces
E.g. if you just want to add new chunk to a pre-existing dbspace (because it is running out of space),
use onspaces -a <spacename> -p <path to chunk file> -o <offset in chunk file (typically 0)> -s <size (in kb)>
The offset parameter is mandatory, but can be set to 0 unless you are handling a special raw device which contains
some information in the first blocks like a partition table which you do not want to overwrite. In this case. leave some kb as offset.
The path needs to be existing and have access rights informix:informix 660
It could be a symbolic link to a raw device of an empty file (cat < /dev/null > filename; chown informix:informix filename; chmod 660 filename)
When setting up a new system, you need to decide if you want to go for raw spaces or files (mixing is not a good idea)
What do you want to do ?
Original Message:
Sent: 8/9/2024 11:03:00 AM
From: Uwe Trefz
Subject: #Informix, where can I find some examples how to use on* commands
Hello all,
I'm new here and new with Informix administration. I search for some examples how to use the on* commands. Esspecially to create chunks with onspaces.
can somebody help me with a link to some tutorials? the IBM original documentation isn't helpfully. I didn't understand it.
Many thanks and LG
Uwe Trefz