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Factors to consider while upgrading to Db2 Connect 12.1 drivers - Features with behavior change

By Shilu Mathai posted Fri November 15, 2024 01:18 AM


1 1JCC driver license requirement

From Db2 Connect 12.1 release, to connect to Db2 for z/OS and Db2 for i server, JCC customers will need to download the new Db2 Connect (JCC) license activation kit for 12.1 from PPA (Passport Advantage). This is needed only while moving from one major version of Db2 Connect driver to another major version of Db2 Connect driver (Example: from 11.5 to 12.1). There is no need to download the Db2 Connect(JCC) license activation kit if customer moves from one modpack/fixpack to another modpack/fixpack within the same major version (Example: from to This license requirement is already in place for non-java drivers. With this release, we are making this requirement for JCC as well.

License activation of Db2 Connect Application Server Edition or Advanced Application Server Edition or Enterprise Edition or Trial Edition at the client/application side for JCC driver

License activation for Db2 Connect Application Server Edition or Advanced Application Server Edition or Enterprise Edition or Trial Edition can be done only at the application/client side. So far, the JCC license jar that customer gets while downloading the license activation kit from PPA was db2jcc_license_cisuz.jar regardless of the license edition they purchase. With 12.1 release, the license jar names changed for each license editions. Below are the different Db2 Connect license editions available and the corresponding JCC license jars.

DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System z - db2jcc_license_consvZS.jar

DB2 Connect Unlimited Edition for System i - db2jcc_license_consvIS.jar

DB2 Connect Application Server Edition - db2jcc_license_consvAS.jar

DB2 Connect Enterprise Edition - db2jcc_license_consvEE.jar

DB2 Connect Advanced Application Server Edition - db2jcc_license_consvAAS.jar

DB2 Connect Advanced Unlimited Edition for System z - db2jcc_license_consvAZS.jar.

DB2 Connect Trial Edition for JCC - db2jcc_license_cisuz_Trial.jar

User needs to remove the old license jars and update the Java CLASSPATH environment variable with the new license jar location while running the java application to use 12.1 JCC driver. Please note that the trial license is not available in PPA. This need to be obtained through your IBM Sales or Renewal representative if needed.

License activation for the Db2 Connect Unlimited Edition at the Db2 Server side for JCC driver

Unlimited license edition can be activated at the Db2 Server side or at the application/client. It is recommended to activate unlimited edition license at the Db2 Server side. If you have activated the unlimited license for the existing Db2 Connect version (Example: 11.5) at the Db2 Server, customer now need to download the 12.1 activation kit from PPA and follow the existing license activation procedure to activate the same at the Db2 Server. Once you have activated, any 12.1 and below version of the drivers (JCC, CLI, .NET etc) can connect to the Db2 Server where the unlimited Db2 Connect license edition is activated

2.  sslClientHostnameValidation default value change for TLS/SSL connectivity

Java driver

JCC property sslClientHostnameValidation is “OFF” by default today. From Db2 Connect 12.1 version, sslClientHostnameValidation will be “BASIC” by default. So, Customers who are using TLS/SSL Connection can have an impact if the Db2 Server certificate that is exchanged with the driver do not have the hostname or IP Address of the Db2 Server in the certificate once they move to Db2 Connect 12.1 version. In such cases, customer can set sslClientHostnameValidation property to “OFF” explicitly get the same behavior prior to 12.1 release.

Non-java driver

sslclienthostnamevalidation property value is “OFF” by default today. From Db2 Connect 12.1 version, sslclienthostnamevalidation property value will be “Basic” by default. So, Customers who are using TLS/SSL Connection can have an impact if the Db2 Server certificate that is exchanged with the driver do not have the hostname or IP Address of the Db2 Server in the certificate once they move to Db2 Connect 12.1 version. In such cases, customer can set sslclienthostnamevalidation db2dsdriver.cfg property value for CLI to “OFF” explicitly get the same behavior prior to 12.1 release.

