B2B Integration

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  • 1.  Pass XML data from Sterling to Outside Customer Postman

    Posted Thu December 14, 2023 11:21 AM


    I would really appreciate your help here as we have some requirement to post the XML data to the Customer Web Services. Customer is using Postman tool to process the posted XML Data on their end. What is happening here is when I try to send the XML Data from Sterling Integrator the double quotes on the XML is quickly escaping causing Broken XML message on the Customer end. I tried them to process with entity reference's 

    double quotes ( " ) are escaped to "
    ampersand ( & ) is escaped to &
    single quotes ( ' ) are escaped to '
    less than ( < ) is escaped to &lt;
    greater than ( > ) is escaped to &gt;

     on my xml but nothing seems to be working out as I am getting the same Invalid response file.

    Below are the steps on my B.P

    1) Collecting the xml file from the folder using FSA.

    2) I am using Dynamic Web Service for consuming them.

    3) Setting the content type.

    4) Invoking SOAOutboundSecurityService and SOA Outbound Message Processing Service for passing the XML message with header(i.e User Name and Password info's on the header).

    5) Replacing the Special Characters for XML with the entity reference.

    6) Using HTTP Adapters to Post and retrieve the responses.

    7) I have also added Steps to re direct cookies.

    Note: The HTTP Status code is success 200 ok but the response to the XML data  is "Website error".


    Subathra Bairavan

    Subathra Bairavan

  • 2.  RE: Pass XML data from Sterling to Outside Customer Postman

    Posted Fri December 15, 2023 02:12 AM

    Have you tried using the CDATA section, instead of replacing entity references?

    Rajasekhar Muthamsetty

  • 3.  RE: Pass XML data from Sterling to Outside Customer Postman

    Posted Fri December 15, 2023 01:11 PM

    Hi Rajasekar,

    I tried using CDATA on the DocKeyword Step Still I am getting website not found error. I am attaching the B.P on the txt file.Should I need to modify something somewhere on the BP.Appreciate your help!



    Subathra Bairavan


    WS_BP.txt   10 KB 1 version
    WS_Response_post.txt   387 B 1 version

  • 4.  RE: Pass XML data from Sterling to Outside Customer Postman

    Posted Sun December 17, 2023 12:04 PM

    It looks like the XML data you're sending is being altered during transmission, causing issues at the customer's end. Given the steps you've taken, it seems like you've covered most bases. However, the problem could/might be related to how the XML is being processed or encoded during transmission. Have you checked if the encoding or format of the XML itself might be causing these escaping issues? Double-checking the XML formatting or consulting the customer to ensure compatibility with their Postman setup might be beneficial.

    navyakanth surugu

  • 5.  RE: Pass XML data from Sterling to Outside Customer Postman

    Posted Wed December 20, 2023 03:39 PM

    Hi Navyakanth,

    I tried to use UTF-8 encoding on the file before processing.But Still I get the same error.I am wondering is there a way to check the encoding that is happening during transmission.I tried using Encoding Conversion services i/p encoding and o/p encoding with UTF-8 that is also not working it out.I have also checked with my IS team and they also confirmed that they aren't doing or changing anything of the file while transmitting.

    Subathra Bairavan

  • 6.  RE: Pass XML data from Sterling to Outside Customer Postman

    Posted Thu December 21, 2023 05:12 PM

    When I have issues with data encoding, I introduce a File System Adaptor and output the document into a file and then analysis the generated file through a Hex Editor.  This approach ensures the data exported to the file is exactly as would have been posted by the HTTP Client services.  

    You cannot rely on just viewing the Document in a browser since browser modify the content for display - hence the use of the FSA.

    Vivek Mittal