Hi Seb,
I haven't heard any update on the timeline unfortunately. It would be great to get those settings in to books, you kind of always needs to toggle them on when you create a new view. I know there are something planned around setting default view options for users, could be that it will be released as part of that.
@STUART KING could you help us out here, is there a timeline to get these default setting options in books?

Emil Malmberg Fosdal
Solution Architect
CogniTech A/S
Original Message:
Sent: Wed February 07, 2024 11:48 PM
From: Seb Hogan
Subject: Default View Options in Workspace Books
Hi Emil,
Do we know if there is a timeline on when this will be released?
Seb Hogan
Original Message:
Sent: Tue September 19, 2023 10:39 AM
From: Emil Malmberg Fosdal
Subject: Default View Options in Workspace Books
Hi Scott,
It is great to have those options in the workbench, unfortunately they are not (yet) available in books. I know that it is on the roadmap, and I believe it is targeted for books later this year / start next year.
Emil Malmberg Fosdal
Solution Architect
CogniTech A/S
Original Message:
Sent: Mon September 18, 2023 01:52 PM
From: Scott Brown
Subject: Default View Options in Workspace Books
I noticed in workspace workbench it is possible to set defaults for cube view "View Options" so hierarchy names are always displayed. Is the same ability to set default "View Options" available for workspace books? I now version 90 that classic views are going away and was looking for a way to let users set defaults when they create a new cube view in a workspace book.
Scott Brown