Robotic Process Automation (RPA)

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  • 1.  parsing JSON

    Posted Wed May 01, 2024 04:13 PM

    I'm trying to parse a JSON string. 

    This is the JSON

    {"model_id":"ibm/granite-13b-chat-v2","model_version":"2.1.0","created_at":"2024-04-24T19:42:33.682Z","results":[{"generated_text":" Named Entities: Policy Number: 72336374\nPerson: German Martinez, DoB: 07/09/1978, DL: M985-863-98-165-8\nAction: Add, Effective Date: 06/06/2022","generated_token_count":55,"input_token_count":2175,"stop_reason":"eos_token"}]}

    First step I convert the JSON to table

    jsonToTable --json "{\n  \"model_id\": \"ibm/granite-13b-chat-v2\",\n  \"model_version\": \"2.1.0\",\n  \"created_at\": \"2024-04-24T19:42:33.682Z\",\n  \"results\": [\n    {\n      \"generated_text\": \" Named Entities: Policy Number: 72336374\\nPerson: German Martinez, DoB: 07/09/1978, DL: M985-863-98-165-8\\nAction: Add, Effective Date: 06/06/2022\",\n      \"generated_token_count\": 55,\n      \"input_token_count\": 2175,\n      \"stop_reason\": \"eos_token\"\n    }\n  ]\n}" --jsonPath "$" vDT=value tableRows=rows tableColumns=columns

    Next I try and extract a cell using "findTableCell"

    findTableCell --dataTable ${vDT} --value "[Policy Number]" --search "AllCells" --direction "Left2RightTop2Bottom" --occurrencetype "First" searchSuccess=success rowNumber=row columnsNumber=column columnName=columnName cellContent=value occurrencesQuantity=count

    When I list the data table created as vDT this is what I get:

    Table vDT: ibm/granite-13b-chat-v2, 2.1.0, 4/24/2024 7:42:33 PM, [
        "generated_text": " Named Entities: Policy Number: 72336374\nPerson: German Martinez, DoB: 07/09/1978, DL: M985-863-98-165-8\nAction: Add, Effective Date: 06/06/2022",
        "generated_token_count": 55,
        "input_token_count": 2175,
        "stop_reason": "eos_token"
     Rows: 1
    Columns: 4

    No matter what I do the value is blank. What I need are the values for "Policy Number", "Person", "DoB", etc.

    Any ideas?

    John Bourdeau

  • 2.  RE: parsing JSON
    Best Answer

    Posted Thu May 02, 2024 01:14 PM

    Hi John

    I solved your problem by following the steps.

    • First I used mapJson to map the JSON root values.
    • Then I used jsonToTable to create a table with the items in the Result list.
    • Finally, I used a loop to map each row of the table with mapTable.

    defVar --name json --type String
    defVar --name vDT --type DataTable
    defVar --name generated_text --type String
    defVar --name generated_token_count --type Numeric
    defVar --name input_token_count --type String
    defVar --name stop_reason --type String
    defVar --name model_id --type String
    defVar --name model_version --type String
    defVar --name created_at --type String
    defVar --name loop --type Numeric
    setVar --name "${json}" --value "  {\n    \"model_id\": \"ibm/granite-13b-chat-v2\",\n    \"model_version\": \"2.1.0\",\n    \"created_at\": \"2024-04-24T19:42:33.682Z\",\n    \"results\": [\n      {\n        \"generated_text\": \" Entidades nomeadas: Número da política: 72336374\\nPessoa: German Martinez, DoB: 07/09/1978, DL: M985-863-98-165-8\\nAção: Adicionar, Data de Vigência: 06/06/2022\",\n        \"generated_token_count\": 55,\n        \"input_token_count\": 2175,\n        \"stop_reason\": \"eos_token\"\n      }\n    ]\n  }"
    mapJson --handleError  --json "${json}" --mappings "{\"model_id\":\"${model_id}\",\"model_version\":\"${model_version}\",\"created_at\":\"${created_at}\"}"
    jsonToTable --json "${json}" --jsonPath "$.results" vDT=value
    for --variable ${loop} --from 1 --to ${vDT.Rows} --step 1
    	mapTableRow --dataTable ${vDT} --row ${loop} --mappings "[{\"Name\":\"generated_text\",\"Number\":null,\"Output\":\"${generated_text}\"},{\"Name\":\"generated_token_count\",\"Number\":null,\"Output\":\"${generated_token_count}\"},{\"Name\":\"input_token_count\",\"Number\":null,\"Output\":\"${input_token_count}\"},{\"Name\":\"stop_reason\",\"Number\":null,\"Output\":\"${stop_reason}\"}]"

    Hope this helps.

    Angelo Alves

  • 3.  RE: parsing JSON

    Posted Fri May 03, 2024 05:17 PM

    it helped a lot.

    How would I get the values within the "generated_text" row borken into their named pairs.  For example, Número da política: 72336374 as a single variable?

    Thanks again for the help!

    John Bourdeau

  • 4.  RE: parsing JSON

    Posted Mon May 06, 2024 09:21 AM

    You can use regular expression, follow the code.

    defVar --name json --type String
    defVar --name vDT --type DataTable
    defVar --name generated_text --type String
    defVar --name generated_token_count --type Numeric
    defVar --name input_token_count --type String
    defVar --name stop_reason --type String
    defVar --name model_id --type String
    defVar --name model_version --type String
    defVar --name created_at --type String
    defVar --name loop --type Numeric
    defVar --name policy --type String
    defVar --name person --type String
    defVar --name dob --type String
    defVar --name dl --type String
    defVar --name action --type String
    defVar --name effective --type String
    setVar --name "${json}" --value "  {\n    \"model_id\": \"ibm/granite-13b-chat-v2\",\n    \"model_version\": \"2.1.0\",\n    \"created_at\": \"2024-04-24T19:42:33.682Z\",\n    \"results\": [\n      {\n        \"generated_text\": \" Named Entities: Policy Number: 72336374\\nPerson: German Martinez, DoB: 07/09/1978, DL: M985-863-98-165-8\\nAction: Add, Effective Date: 06/06/2022\",\n        \"generated_token_count\": 55,\n        \"input_token_count\": 2175,\n        \"stop_reason\": \"eos_token\"\n      }\n    ]\n  }"
    mapJson --handleError  --json "${json}" --mappings "{\"model_id\":\"${model_id}\",\"model_version\":\"${model_version}\",\"created_at\":\"${created_at}\"}"
    jsonToTable --json "${json}" --jsonPath "$.results" vDT=value
    for --variable ${loop} --from 1 --to ${vDT.Rows} --step 1
    	mapTableRow --dataTable ${vDT} --row ${loop} --mappings "[{\"Name\":\"generated_text\",\"Number\":null,\"Output\":\"${generated_text}\"},{\"Name\":\"generated_token_count\",\"Number\":null,\"Output\":\"${generated_token_count}\"},{\"Name\":\"input_token_count\",\"Number\":null,\"Output\":\"${input_token_count}\"},{\"Name\":\"stop_reason\",\"Number\":null,\"Output\":\"${stop_reason}\"}]"
    	getRegex --text "${generated_text}" --regexPattern "Policy Number: (?<policy>\\d+).+Person: (?<person>.+?)\\, DoB: (?<dob>.+?), DL: (?<dl>.+?)\\nAction: (?<action>.+?), Effective Date: (?<effective>.+)" --regexOptions "Singleline" --groupname policy policy=value
    	getRegex --text "${generated_text}" --regexPattern "Policy Number: (?<policy>\\d+).+Person: (?<person>.+?)\\, DoB: (?<dob>.+?), DL: (?<dl>.+?)\\nAction: (?<action>.+?), Effective Date: (?<effective>.+)" --regexOptions "Singleline" --groupname person person=value
    	getRegex --text "${generated_text}" --regexPattern "Policy Number: (?<policy>\\d+).+Person: (?<person>.+?)\\, DoB: (?<dob>.+?), DL: (?<dl>.+?)\\nAction: (?<action>.+?), Effective Date: (?<effective>.+)" --regexOptions "Singleline" --groupname dob dob=value
    	getRegex --text "${generated_text}" --regexPattern "Policy Number: (?<policy>\\d+).+Person: (?<person>.+?)\\, DoB: (?<dob>.+?), DL: (?<dl>.+?)\\nAction: (?<action>.+?), Effective Date: (?<effective>.+)" --regexOptions "Singleline" --groupname dl dl=value
    	getRegex --text "${generated_text}" --regexPattern "Policy Number: (?<policy>\\d+).+Person: (?<person>.+?)\\, DoB: (?<dob>.+?), DL: (?<dl>.+?)\\nAction: (?<action>.+?), Effective Date: (?<effective>.+)" --regexOptions "Singleline" --groupname action action=value
    	getRegex --text "${generated_text}" --regexPattern "Policy Number: (?<policy>\\d+).+Person: (?<person>.+?)\\, DoB: (?<dob>.+?), DL: (?<dl>.+?)\\nAction: (?<action>.+?), Effective Date: (?<effective>.+)" --regexOptions "Singleline" --groupname effective effective=value
    	logMessage --message "\r\nPolicy Number: ${policy}\r\nPerson: ${person}\r\nDoB: ${dob}\r\nDL: ${dl}\r\nAction: ${action}\r\nEffective Date: ${effective}" --type "Info"

    Angelo Alves

  • 5.  RE: parsing JSON

    Posted Tue May 07, 2024 09:02 AM

    Thanks!  This is exactly what I need.  I really appreciate the help. 


    John Bourdeau

  • 6.  RE: parsing JSON

    Posted Wed May 08, 2024 11:35 AM

    Nice, I'm glad I was able to help you.

    Angelo Alves