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[ODWEK API] Invalid viewer specified errorId 2122

  • 1.  [ODWEK API] Invalid viewer specified errorId 2122

    Posted Tue July 16, 2024 11:23 AM

    Good evening,

    I'm using IBM ODWEK java library to retrieve documents from OnDemand. Everything works fine as long as the file is in application/pdf format.

    But I get the following error if the target file is a application/line mimetype :

    ode = {ODException@2794} " Invalid viewer specified"
     _errorId = 2122
     _errorMsg = "Invalid viewer specified"
     detailMessage = "Invalid viewer specified"
     cause = {ODException@2794} " Invalid viewer specified"
      _errorId = 2122
      _errorMsg = "Invalid viewer specified"
      detailMessage = "Invalid viewer specified"
      cause = {ODException@2794} " Invalid viewer specified"
      stackTrace = {StackTraceElement[3]@2804} 
       0 = {StackTraceElement@2807} ""
        declaringClass = ""
        methodName = "retrieve"
        fileName = ""
        lineNumber = 706
       1 = {StackTraceElement@2808} "..."
       2 = {StackTraceElement@2809} "..."
      suppressedExceptions = {Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList@2802}  size = 0
     stackTrace = {StackTraceElement[3]@2804} 
     suppressedExceptions = {Collections$UnmodifiableRandomAccessList@2802}  size = 0

    Someone could help ?


