Activity performing: Migration from IBM WODM 7.5 to IBM ODM 8.11.1
Issue description:
For 7.5 IBM WODM version, below is the Integration javacode snippet.
private IlrPOJOSessionFactory jrulesSessionFactory = new IlrPOJOSessionFactory();
IlrStatelessSession session = jrulesSessionFactory.createStatelessSession();
IlrPath rulesetPath = IlrPath.parsePath(getRulesetPath(rulesetName));
IlrSessionRequest request = jrulesSessionFactory.createRequest();
For making above code compatible with 8.11.1 version of ODM, referred IBM ODM Knowledge center docs and moved only "jrulesSessionFactory.setXuConnectionFactoryJndiName("eis/XUConnectionFactory");" from java code to web.xml.
below is the web.xml details:
rest of the code remains in java code.
Built above java code along with web.xml and deployed in WAS9 server. while doing SOAP UI testing getting error in SOAP response.
Below is the SOAP response.
<S:Envelope xmlns:S="">
<S:Fault xmlns:ns4="">
<faultstring>Couldn't create SOAP message. Expecting Envelope in namespace, but got</faultstring>
kindly assist.
Santosh NarendraDas