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  • 1.  Is skipsamebatch still supported?

    Posted Wed July 24, 2024 05:06 AM
    Edited by dsakai Wed July 24, 2024 05:22 AM

    I used to see this explanation on a Support page.

    Now, I don't see such detail anymore.

    Is skipsamebatch supported with 9.1.9? 

    Is "Setting skipsamebatch to 1" as described below the way to turn it on?

    "This setting is used to slow down VScan when images are not always immediately available for processing. 

    If this option is selected, the thread memorizes the batch ID of the batch that it attempted to run last, 
    and does not immediately run it again. If the thread detects that the batch ID is not changed, 
    the thread delays before the next attempt to process. 
    The delay starts at 1 second, then doubles with each attempt up to a delay of 1 minute 
    (1 second, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 64, 64, 64, 64 seconds). 
    If the thread detects that the batch ID is changed at any point, the delay is set back to 1 second.
    On the Workflow tab, expand the hierarchy on the right and highlight VScan.
    In the Settings section in the lower right, set skipsamebatch to 1.
    Highlight the line labeled <dbs> above VScan in the thread hierarchy.
    Set skipsamebatch to 1 there also.
    Click Save, then go back to the Rulerunner tab and start the service."


  • 2.  RE: Is skipsamebatch still supported?

    Posted Thu July 25, 2024 11:54 AM

    A easy way of understanding this setting.

    In your rule runner server when configuring your application workflow and adding tasks, you must set the DB.admin, DB engine on skipsamebatch to 1 and the vscan task to skipsamebatch to 1. 

    Here is why: 

    If you have a workflow that has tasks like vscan, page id, etc - if the skipsamebatch is not set to 1 vscan will keep doing vscan.  It will never give page ID a chance to process page id.

    NOTE:  vscan needs to be set 1 but you must also set your dbs.admin(tmadmin), Engine (tmengine) to 1 as well.

    Duke Lam

  • 3.  RE: Is skipsamebatch still supported?

    Posted Fri July 26, 2024 03:14 AM

     > It will never give page ID a chance to process page id.

    You mean "It will never give a thread a chance to process batch id"?


  • 4.  RE: Is skipsamebatch still supported?

    Posted Fri July 26, 2024 11:31 AM

    You can have different task on a thread.  What I meant by that explanation is if you have scan and page ID on the same thread.

    Duke Lam