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  • 1.  Importing to Lucid

    Posted Tue August 01, 2023 11:31 AM

    Has anyone successfully exported from Blueworks and imported into LUCID?

    Would love to have some advice before trying a bunch of jankey tools...

    Francis Peters

  • 2.  RE: Importing to Lucid

    Posted Wed August 02, 2023 08:37 AM

    Hi Francis, I have some ideas but would like to understand why you are looking to do that. We have many customers who export from Lucid and import into BWL, but not the other direction. The issue is that Lucid does not enforce/support BPMN so the platforms are speaking different languages (our tools use an Excel export from Lucid to generate a BPMN diagram that is supported by BWL - I think going the other direction would be more difficult). Is Lucid your source of truth but you have users using BWL, so this would be ongoing, or are you looking to migrate off of BWL so this would be more of a one-time thing?

    Jared Michalec

  • 3.  RE: Importing to Lucid

    Posted Wed August 02, 2023 10:59 AM

    Hi Jared,

    Thanks for the reply, I'm definitely keen to hear your advice. I would like to go from BWL to Lucid because there are parts of my organization that prefer to use Lucid, whereas I much prefer BWL. My intent is to keep my source of truth in BWL, and export to Lucid so my colleagues can comment and share on Lucid, then I would make the changes to my BWL files. This would be an ongoing process until I can get everyone moved over to BWL. 



    Francis Peters