Hello Keshava,
This 'HTTP 403' doesn't looks like a Bigfix server reply (unless 'relay authentication' feature is enabled)...but, you never know.
A blind guess would be some proxy stuff between...
I'd start with checking HTTP headers & content by means of curl command run from this AIX box:
curl -vk https://xxx:52311/rd
If Bigfix server is processing as it should you should see 'HTTP 200 OK' and following in HTTP body :
Relay Diagnostics
RelayDiagnostics page is not enabled
If you don't get 'HTTP 200 OK' please copy/paste the content for investigation or send to me by Email...
Thank you,
Oktawian Powązka, L3 Support
IBM License Metric Tool
Original Message:
Sent: Tue March 05, 2024 12:40 AM
From: Keshava Ramdoo
Subject: ILMT, bigfix and client deployment
Hello Oktawian,
Thank you for your help. I notice in the log file (/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/__Global/Logs/xxx.log), there was error: RegisterOnce: GetURL failed - General transport failure. - BAD SERVERNAME (winsock error 4294967290 - registration url xxx:52311.
I have configured the DNS server, the servers are now being resolved on both sides.
Now after restarting the BES client service on the AIX client, I can now see error RegisterOnce: GetURL failed - HTTP 403 Error (Forbidden)
Any way forward please?
Thanks a lot!
Keshava Ramdoo
Original Message:
Sent: Mon March 04, 2024 09:34 AM
From: Oktawian Powązka
Subject: ILMT, bigfix and client deployment
Hello Keshava,
I'd first check the current Bigfix agent log file (/var/opt/BESClient/__BESData/__Global/Logs/xxx.log) from each of those 'missing' endpoints.
Pay a close attention to a following line :
RegisterOnce: Attempting secure registration with 'https://xxx:52311
Do make sure that a Bigfix server address (xxx) is resolvable from this Bigfix agent endpoint.
(That Bigfix server address is being picked up from actionsite masthead: '/etc/opt/BESClient/actionsite.afxm' file) deployed by CDT.
Thank you,
Oktawian Powązka, L3 Support
IBM License Metric Tool
Original Message:
Sent: Mon March 04, 2024 04:52 AM
From: Keshava Ramdoo
Subject: ILMT, bigfix and client deployment
Hello everyone.
I'm a novice in ILMT and have managed to deploy it. So basically, the big fix server, ILMT, big client and the SQL server are sitting on the same Windows Server.
My main concern is that despite deploying clients (AIX and Linux) from the Client Deployment Wizard from the console, the clients are are showing neither under Computers nor Unmanaged Assets. [Note that the clients deployment were successful as per the dashboard). This is where I've stuck. I'm not sure if computers should be appearing under Unmanaged Assets before the clients deployment or after.
The BES services are up and running on the clients machines. See below how my console looks:

ILMT Dashboard

Can someone please me regarding this? I'm really stuck with that thing since more than a week.
Keshava Ramdoo