IBM License Metric Tool (ILMT)

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  • 1.  Disconnected Scanner Upload scan Result Limitation

    Posted Sun June 02, 2024 03:47 AM
    Edited by Nagarajan Singaram Sun June 02, 2024 03:49 AM

    Hi All,

    I am using ILMT application v9.2.34 for manage windows/Unix endpoints and we are using disconnected scanner configuration with upload result below link

    Uploading disconnected scan results (disconnected scenario)

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    Uploading disconnected scan results (disconnected scenario)
    UNIX Windows 9.2.30 Available from 9.2.30. If computers with disconnected scanners have connectivity to the License Metric Tool server (direct or through a proxy), you can set up regular upload of scan results by providing the LMT_SERVER_URL and LMT_SERVER_API_TOKEN parameters in the setup_config.ini file.
    View this on Ibm >


    We have around 350 servers with (windows 100 and unix 250), here I am facing error after Installed and configured the disconnected scanner and transfer file to ILMT server process, I am not able to see those servers in ILMT console.

    we did multiple Import in ILMT web-console and below screen shot from scan ran result.

    My question is that do we have any limitation for using disconnected scanner and upload file process over cURL with 52311 port from endpoint to ILMT server?



    Nagarajan Singaram

  • 2.  RE: Disconnected Scanner Upload scan Result Limitation

    Posted Mon June 03, 2024 10:30 AM


    I don't think that you are using cURL with 52311 port from endpoint to ILMT server as this port is reserved for Bigfix Server alone :
    ILMT server was never setup on this port...

    Nevertheless, based upon the screenshot's message:  'The xxx file was uploaded and removed."
    I reckon that you've passed the right port value: 9081

    If you are not able to see those servers in ILMT console it means that either ILMT import process is not working or import process has rejected that disconnected scanner package. 

    To go further, I'd need to look into the disconnected scanner package, upload_results.log + latest import log.
    However, due to security concerns you may prefer to open support ticket to us...

    Thank you,

    Oktawian Powązka, L3 Support
    IBM License Metric Tool

  • 3.  RE: Disconnected Scanner Upload scan Result Limitation

    Posted Mon June 03, 2024 12:20 PM

    Hi Oktawian,

    Thanks for the updates and I am using cURL with port 9081 from endpoints to ILMT server. 

    I have raised a case with IBM today. 

    Even I will validate the upload_result.log in problematic server and there is no error in import log what I have reviewed. 

    So there is no limitation for using "disconnected scanner agent and upload disconnected scenario" right?



    Nagarajan Singaram

  • 4.  RE: Disconnected Scanner Upload scan Result Limitation
    Best Answer

    Posted Wed June 05, 2024 09:16 AM

    Hi Oktawian,

    This error has been fixed by IBM support team and due to this scanner binary corrupted. So, we did change the binary and install the scanner successfully.



    Nagarajan Singaram