Decision Management (ODM,ADS)

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  • 1.  Decision center auto login in with userid/password

    Posted Mon April 22, 2024 12:36 AM

    Is it possible to have a link in a local application to the Decision center using the userid/password in the URL or in the header?

    Ajay Chowdhury

  • 2.  RE: Decision center auto login in with userid/password

    Posted Tue April 23, 2024 07:28 AM

    I'll let you decide if this is a safe thing to do from a security perspective but this old trick still seems to work for the latest version of ODM on a local install:

    This probably won't work for a containerised or SaaS version of ODM. I use the basic RPA capabilities of a password manager tool to automate the authentication of a SaaS version of ODM because it requires re-authentication every few hours.

    Andy Macdonald

  • 3.  RE: Decision center auto login in with userid/password

    Posted Wed April 24, 2024 03:17 AM

    It doesn't seem secure to put a link in a webapp that makes appear a clear password, even encoded using basic authentication.

    But, if your scenario is to provide an authenticated/authorized access to Decision Center inside a third party web app, it's preferable to use OpenId. Then, you can put any link to access Decision Center inside this webapp that already contains the access/id token of the current web session and that will be shared by any application configured with the same OpenId provider.

    By hoping it can fits your use case.

    Mathias Mouly