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  • 1.  Datacap Custom Action Debugging

    Posted Tue July 23, 2024 04:02 PM

    Hello All,

    I received a new laptop and trying to get everything up and running. I install Datacap 9.1.9 iFix04 on the new laptop but had 9.1.9 iFix02 on the old one. Everything seems to be working except when I try and debug custom actions. This was working on my old laptop but not on the new one. The custom actions are working but not launching the debugger. I have uncommented the Debugger.Launch(); line, built and copied the new dll and pdb files to the rules folder of my application. I even changed the code to log information to let me know the new version of the dll is running. 

     I do not remember anything I had to do to get this to work in the past. Both laptops are the same running Windows 10. 

    Any help will be appreciated.


    Bob Moores

  • 2.  RE: Datacap Custom Action Debugging

    Posted Wed July 24, 2024 06:49 PM

    Hey Bob, 

    Without the custom library on the new Laptop running ifix 4 is everything working?  When you said run debugger, are you referring to the test tab in dstudio?
    The only things I can think of is the custom.dll was built using .NET version depending on the version of MS Visual Studio it was built with.   Try looking at your old ifix 2 working system in "add and remove" if the MS redistributor version is on the new laptop also.  Compare with the old laptop.

    I would just install all these because Datacap action library are built with different redistributable. 

    Happy Hunting!   Best of luck!  Hope that was the issue.

    Duke Lam

  • 3.  RE: Datacap Custom Action Debugging

    Posted Thu July 25, 2024 04:44 PM

    Hi Duke,

    Everything in Datacap Studio seems to be working fine after ifix4. Yes, I am referring to the Test tab in Datacap Studio. The changes I make to the custom actions dll are working just not the automatic attaching to Visual Studio when I uncomment the Debugger.Launch(); 

    I did try using debug/Attach to process in Visual Studio and that works. Just not automatically opening VS from DS. 

    I checked the runtimes on both computers, and they seem the same. 


    Bob Moores