BPM, Workflow, and Case

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The Intersection of IBM Blockchain and BPM

  • 1.  The Intersection of IBM Blockchain and BPM

    Posted Wed April 04, 2018 09:31 AM

    IBM Blockchain is an emerging technology that current operates on it's own stand-alone software stack.  This stack can, of course, inter-operate with other software through mechanisms such as HTTP.  The key business code of a Blockchain, the "smart contract" (chaincode), is written in Golang or Java (when using Hyperledger Fabric) or CTO or JavaScript (when using Hyperledger Composer).  You can think of Composer as a higher (more abstract) level of programming and Fabric as a lower (more technical) level of programming.  

    When chaincode executes, the result is a new business "state".  This new state is what is added to the blockchain.  For instance, if the Blockchain kept track of IMUC Forum posts, then the chaincode would add this post to the Blockchain.  Each smart contract (chaincode) implements a business transaction.  The set of chaincodes models a business process and defines an API.  Sound familiar?  

    The natural interplay between BPM and Blockchains is clear.  Each blockchain should represent a services API (smart contracts implemented in chaincode) surrounding a persistence mechanism for a resource (the blockchain).  In a world with many resources maintained in blockchains, the integration of business across these blockchains should be externalized from the blockchains and their smart contracts.  Rather than extending the reach of Blockchains by moving external business logic into the chaincode, we need to extend business processes into the blockchain by invoking smart contracts.  

    Sounds like a case for business modeling and BPEL to integrate Blockchains into existing business flows.  IBM MQ would make a perfect mechanism for the assured delivery of a transaction to the Blockchain.  



    Glen Brumbaugh