Original Message:
Sent: Wed June 19, 2024 01:10 PM
From: Michael Minkoff
Subject: Unable to Create ApiKey
Thanks for reaching out. I realized that the image did not load I reuploaded it. The image shows the same steps that your link presents. I color coded the inputs to show how I followed each step. The red underline shows tat I am attempted a Basic authorization. Can you please advise on how I can work around the issue?
Another link for the picture is (Apikey Creation on Postman).
Thanks in advance,
Mike Minkoff
Michael Minkoff
Original Message:
Sent: Wed June 19, 2024 04:39 AM
From: Suhas Joshi
Subject: Unable to Create ApiKey
Hi Michael,
Try one of the solutions mentioned here. It depends if you are using BASIC or FORM authentication.
Suhas Joshi
Original Message:
Sent: Mon June 10, 2024 10:13 AM
From: Michael Minkoff
Subject: Unable to Create ApiKey
I am following the instructions to get an apikey JSON response from Maximo. I get the login html instead of the apikey JSON.
Steps to reproduce
I am following the steps from this website (https://www.ibm.com/support/pages/creating-and-using-rest-api-keys-secure-application-server-environment) and performing the steps on Postman. I checked Maximo Swagger UI and found the url for creating apikeys is "https://maximo.company.com/maximo/oslc/os/mxapiapikey". I stored username and password in Authorization tab. I using "content-type=application/json" in my header. I using "{ "expiration":-1 }" in my JSON body. I am using "https://maximo.company.com/maximo/oslc/os/mxapiapikey/create" as my url. When I send the POST request, it returns the html of Maximo login screen.
Request to know missing step or possible work around.
What should I do to get the apikey to appear in JSON response instead of the html login?
Michael Minkoff