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  • 1.  WebGUI on premises migration to AIOps 4.1.x

    Posted Fri September 01, 2023 01:17 PM
    We are planning to migrate Netcool on premises to AIOps solution (latest version 4.1.1).
    One of the points that is not clear is about the migration from the on premises WebGUI to the AIOps environment.
    The WebGUI of the on premises environment has several custom dashboards. In addition, several Filters, Visualizations and, mainly, tools were defined.
    Several of these tools execute JSP code to implement their functionality.
    Is there any source to consult so we can find the possibilities of migration?
    How should we plan the migration from on premise functionality to AIOps?
    Thanks in advance to everyone who can collaborate.

    Antonio Gadelha

  • 2.  RE: WebGUI on premises migration to AIOps 4.1.x

    Posted Fri September 01, 2023 01:37 PM
    Edited by Frank Tate Thu November 23, 2023 03:46 PM
    Here's the documentation on how to export We GUI customizations and import that data into the AIOps solution on OpenShift: . Check the files listed and the output from your export once you've done that. Most, if not all of your customizations should be there to be imported 
    Edit: This answer is wrong. Please see Sane Bray's excellent reply for the full answer.


    Frank Tate
    CEO, Gulfsoft Consulting
    ph: 304-376-6183

  • 3.  RE: WebGUI on premises migration to AIOps 4.1.x

    IBM Champion
    Posted Thu November 23, 2023 12:51 PM

    For version 4.1.2, I am clear, in the version. 4.2.1 the omnibus is no longer used as a database, how can I paste the impact or jazz.

    saury granados
    GBM Corporation
    San José

  • 4.  RE: WebGUI on premises migration to AIOps 4.1.x

    Posted Thu November 23, 2023 03:45 PM

    See Zane Bray's reply to Antonio's original question, along with the architecture diagram and you'll see that DASH/JazzSM/WebGUI is a completely different UI. There is still a connection to OMNIbus, but, as you state, it is no longer the primary database.

    Frank Tate
    Gulfsoft Consulting
    AIOps Experts. Contact us for implementation help.

  • 5.  RE: WebGUI on premises migration to AIOps 4.1.x

    IBM TechXchange Speaker
    Posted Tue September 05, 2023 08:59 AM
    Edited by Zane Bray Tue September 05, 2023 09:03 AM

    Hi Antonio,

    Currently there are not any automated utilities that will migrate your existing Netcool tools, filters, or views over to AIOps. In addition, the right-click tool types in AIOps 4.1.2 are different to WebGUI tool types.


    • HTTP: Send an HTTP request to a web service
    • Client-side: Launch a web page from the browser
    • SSH: Use the configured SSH provider to run a script remotely


    • CGI: CGI script
    • SQL: ObjectServer SQL commands
    • Command-tools: local binary execution
    • Script: JavaScript

    Hence it will be a case of recreating each one in a slightly different way to how it is done now. Note that modifiable views are not available in 4.1.2 but are coming soon in a future release. There will also inevitably be new tool types being added to AIOps in due course.

    Regarding custom dashboards, these will have to remain in WebGUI for the time being. There is prototyping work ongoing to bring a custom dash-boarding capability to AIOps in the near future however there are no dates on this yet. There is also an option coming that will allow the inclusion of third-party system dashboards and views to be accessible from within the AIOps UI (ie. possibly iframes). This will enable users to access legacy dashboard as well where not available in AIOps.

    At a high level, the migration process will be something like:

    • Deploy AIOps
    • Use the Netcool Connector to connect to each Aggregation ObjectServer pair
    • Use the Netcool/Impact Connector to connect to your Netcool/Impact cluster
    • Move event correlation automation up into the AIOps layer
    • Recreate filters, views (eventually), and tooling in AIOps

    Zane Bray
    IBM Technical Specialist - AIOps SWAT
    IBM Software Support
    IBM UK

  • 6.  RE: WebGUI on premises migration to AIOps 4.1.x

    Posted Mon November 27, 2023 02:51 PM

    Great insights, thanks.

    John Adler
    Marketing Manager

  • 7.  RE: WebGUI on premises migration to AIOps 4.1.x

    IBM Champion
    Posted Mon November 27, 2023 03:06 PM

    I understand that I cannot migrate and it is not available, now I can connect grafana or other software to create a dashboard based on the alarms.

    saury granados
    GBM Corporation
    San José