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  • 1.  AWS Clusters

    Posted Thu October 26, 2023 12:23 PM

    Hi All

    How does Turbonomic support AWS Clusters?

    Andre van Vuuren

  • 2.  RE: AWS Clusters

    Posted Fri October 27, 2023 11:53 AM
    Edited by Gregg Minichiello Fri October 27, 2023 11:53 AM

    Hello Andre!

    Do you mean AWS Kubernetes clusters (EKS?)?  If so, Turbonomic has a lightweight container called kubeturbo that ships telemetry/cluster/metric data to the Turbonomic instance.  This same container orchestrates the execution of actions from the Turbonomic UI (automated or manual) in the clusters where kubeturbo is deployed.  Any operator patterns in use will require an Operator Resource Mapping (ORM) but that's a bit of a deeper dive than I think you're looking for.

    Does that answer the question?

    You can find more resources about kubeturbo below:



    Gregg Minichiello

  • 3.  RE: AWS Clusters

    Posted Mon October 30, 2023 12:26 AM

    Thank you. Covers more than what I wanted to know.

    Andre van Vuuren