Thanks so much Antonel for your image and explanation! However the problem I am having is that I do not have the option to call to an action skill. In the screen shot attached, (Looking for action_01) I am working with the child node to "actions test".
I have the "If assistant recognizes" field but below that, instead of having an option to call out to a skill, I only have the choice of how the assistant responds. I have clicked on each of these to see if there was something about calling out an action, and there was not.
Scrolling down( Looking for action_02) I have the chance to have the assistant "wait for reply" or "jump to" but neither offers a way to call out an action. What am I missing???
Thanks very much for any help!
Kristina Tool
Original Message:
Sent: Thu June 17, 2021 12:11 PM
From: Antonel Neculai
Subject: Integrate actions skill with dialog skill
The documentation you mentioned seems to give the explanation. I have created this image showing how elements connect. Seems like you call the action skill just like you are calling a dialog skill, there is no difference. Mind you, action skills cannot detect other system entities (like dialog skills can) and they don't support calling webhooks from a node (but they do support web hooks before and after every message).
Antonel Neculai
Original Message:
Sent: Wed June 16, 2021 02:47 PM
From: Kristina Tool
Subject: Integrate actions skill with dialog skill
I am new to IBM Watson but have been following the tutorials on building assistants. I have managed to build and deploy an assistant on my website built with the dialogs skill I have also created an assistant from actions skill, which in the preview field, works as planned for basic q&a .
However I have been searching all of the documentation on IBM and the web and I am unable to find how to:
- Integrate the assistant built on actions within the assistant already created with a dialog skill. ( How to call an action from a dialog node) (Reference image attached from Building A Chatbot Using Actions In IBM Watson Assistant
- I also have found this, IBM Cloud Docs Under the Adding Actions> Defining Session Variables but it does not explain how to add my actions to my dialog.
- Alternatively can I deploy an actions skill only assistant to my website, without integrating it into a dialog ( no API info or how to deploy the actions only in the documentation). IBM Cloud Docs
Any help on where to find a step by step explanation on this would be greatly appreciated!!!
Reference Image:
Image 1.
Kristina Tool