Name: pingserver-from-pipeline Namespace: aceistio3 Labels: Annotations:{"apiVersion":"","kind":"IntegrationServer","metadata":{"annotations":{},"name":"pingserver-from-pipeline","namespace":"aceis... API Version: Kind: IntegrationServer Metadata: Creation Timestamp: 2021-02-24T08:52:10Z Generation: 1 Managed Fields: API Version: Fields Type: FieldsV1 Fields V 1: F : Metadata: F : Annotations: .: F : Kubectl . Kubernetes . Io / Last - Applied - Configuration: F : Spec: .: F : Designer Flows Operation Mode: F : License: .: F : Accept: F : License: F : Use: F : Pod: .: F : Containers: .: F : Runtime: .: F : Image: F : Replicas: F : Router: .: F : Timeout: F : Service: .: F : Endpoint Type: F : Tracing: .: F : Namespace: F : Use Common Services: F : Version: Manager: kubectl-client-side-apply Operation: Update Time: 2021-02-24T08:52:10Z API Version: Fields Type: FieldsV1 Fields V 1: F : Spec: F : Admin Server Secure: F : Default App Name: F : Log Format: F : Pod: F : Containers: F : Connectors: .: F : Image Pull Policy: F : Liveness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Readiness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Resources: .: F : Limits: .: F : Cpu: F : Memory: F : Requests: .: F : Cpu: F : Memory: F : Designerflows: .: F : Image Pull Policy: F : Liveness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Readiness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Resources: .: F : Limits: .: F : Cpu: F : Memory: F : Requests: .: F : Cpu: F : Memory: F : Proxy: .: F : Image Pull Policy: F : Liveness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Readiness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Resources: .: F : Limits: .: F : Cpu: F : Memory: F : Requests: .: F : Cpu: F : Memory: F : Runtime: F : Image Pull Policy: F : Liveness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Readiness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Resources: .: F : Limits: .: F : Cpu: F : Memory: F : Requests: .: F : Cpu: F : Memory: F : Tracingagent: .: F : Image Pull Policy: F : Liveness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Readiness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Tracingcollector: .: F : Image Pull Policy: F : Liveness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Readiness Probe: .: F : Failure Threshold: F : Initial Delay Seconds: F : Period Seconds: F : Timeout Seconds: F : Status: .: F : Available Replicas: F : Conditions: F : Custom Images: F : Endpoints: F : Phase: F : Replicas: F : Versions: .: F : Available: .: F : Channels: F : Versions: F : Reconciled: Manager: ibm-appconnect Operation: Update Time: 2021-02-24T09:07:40Z Resource Version: 229627336 Self Link: /apis/ UID: 41bafcd9-73ff-448b-9bb1-a0d2149856d8 Spec: Configurations: Designer Flows Operation Mode: disabled License: Accept: true License: L-APEH-BPUCJK Use: CloudPakForIntegrationNonProduction Pod: Containers: Runtime: Image: image-registry.openshift-image-registry.svc:5000/aceistio3/ace-cicd:1.0 Replicas: 1 Router: Timeout: 120s Service: Endpoint Type: http Tracing: Enabled: false Namespace: opdashboard Use Common Services: true Version: Status: Available Replicas: 0 Conditions: Last Transition Time: 2021-02-24T09:07:40Z Message: Waiting for Platform Navigator to respond, with CloudPakForIntegration License Platform Navigator must be installed Status: True Type: Pending Custom Images: true Endpoints: Name: http endpoint Type: api Uri: http:// Name: https endpoint Type: api Uri: https:// Phase: Pending Replicas: 1 Versions: Available: Channels: Name: 11.0.0 Name: Name: Versions: Name: Name: Name: Name: Name: Reconciled: Events: